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Monday, June 22, 2009

Lots of things happen in 2 months

Well my friends it has been a while since I have posted due to my workload. Had my hands full with getting ready for certain examinations, and of course, following swine flu. By now, anyone who reads my posts knows about swine flu, so all I am going to say about it is 1) vaccine production is under way, 2) Swine flu may be more common than 'regular' flu this winter and 3) as of now swine flu is rather mild. However, should the virus tweak slightly, it could become much more virulent and dangerous.

On another topic, the FDA recently advised that people stop using Zicam, as the Zinc that is used in the product can damage your olfactory nerves, causing you to lose your sense of smell. And of course, smell and taste are intricately linked, so of course you will lose ability to taste too. Better safe than sorry, if you have some, toss it!

Finally, wanted to say that President Obama is set to sign a massive legislation against smoking, essentially givning regulatory power to FDA. While I think that FDA does a good job, I dont know if this is the right move. However, I do know that they will tell us EVERY chemical found in the tobacco used, so that will beinteresting...we already know a few hundred carcinogens. This move will make it MUCH harder for smaller/newer tobacco companies to survive, as there is major advertising limits. Effectively, they have given Philip-Morris a monopoly, as they already have like 50% market share. New companies just wont be able to compete. Imagine that???? But if it prevents kids from taking up the habit...then im all for it. I dont care if PM gets richer. Eventually smoking (tobacco) will be a thing of the least with all the nasty chemicals its treated with. Be talking to you all soon. Good to be back!
